Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Why can't people handle the truth?

Why is so hard for people handle the truth? Shouldn't the truth be told at all times? Is this the way the world sees it or does it just run in my family genes? I guess I have many unanswered question about sharing the truth with others. I am known to be a very out spoken and and thruthful person. Well this may not relfect in class because I tend to hold back knowing that i will probably offend somebody about what I say. Other then in class I tend to say how I feel no matter the situation or the person. It always seems to hurt peoples feeling and make them become angry with me. Why? I have no idea. If it was me I would want to know the truth and why people feel the way they do. Who would want to live in a world of fakeness? Where everybody lies to your face just to not hurt your feelings.Feeling are there to be happy, sad, angry, and all the other emotions that need to be explored. It just seems to amaze me that every time I tell someone the truth or how I feel then tend to be upset. Its seems to be something that keeps happening more often to me. Why do we live in a world where people are afraid of the truth?

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